How to get rid of acne and scars in Hyderabad?
How to get rid of acne and scars in Hyderabad?
Posted on January 20, 2021 at 11:00 AM

Acne breakouts are frustrating. The worst issue related to acne is the scars. You may think that your acne has gone permanently. But it always gives you scars on your face and body, and that the most irritating thing.
For some people, acne scars can be painful bothersome. But you can get rid of these scars with some medical treatments and home remedies.
Dr. Firdous’s Aesthetic Vision is a very famous clinic that one of the best acne scar treatments in Hyderabad.
Learn various ways of treating acne scars and get flawless skin.
So, how can medical treatments help you with acne and scars?
Our aesthetic physician can help you by treating acne and scars in different ways. We can recommend the following treatments depending upon your skin condition and requirements.
- Chemical peels: A specific type of chemical peel, trichloroacetic acid, can improve your skin from acne scars up to seventy percent. Other than this, we can use a glycolic acid peel to reduce your acne scars. According to your skin type and your requirements, we will suggest you a suitable chemical peel remedy.
- Injections: A corticosteroid injection can be a very effective remedy as acne scar treatment in Hyderabad. It reduces the keloid scars very quickly. You will require a series of injections every few weeks.
- Dermal filler: A soft tissue filler may help you in acne scar treatment. After having an allergy testing, we may advise you to undergo a collagen-based dermal filler. We can use your body fat or any commercial fillers to provide you the most effective result. The treatment lasts for six to eighteen months.
- Micro-needling: Inserting tiny needles into your skin can also help you to get rid of acne scars. It triggers the production of collagen and reduces the appearance of acne scars on your skin. It can give you redness and inflammation after the treatment. But it will go away in few days.
- Laser treatment: Laser treatment is the most effective treatment to reduce acne scars on your skin. It is better than any of the other clinical treatments. It works by removing the upper layer of your skin to bring out the youthful skin. In some cases, laser treatment is not suitable, and to know those cases consult with your aesthetic doctor.
All these clinical treatments are not for everyone. Our doctor will suggest you the most suitable remedy according to the types of acne scars. So, it is essential to learn about different types of acne scars.
Acne scars are generally of three types. These are-
- Atrophic scars: When your skin does not produce enough fibroblasts, your healing system gets hampered. Hence you experience small indentations on your skin.
- Hypertrophic scars: It is the exact opposite situation of Atrophic scars. Here, your skin produces an excess amount of fibroblasts and heals the spots of acne. But your scars rise due to the procedure.
- Keloid scars: Keloid scars are thicker and have darker skin surrounding the scars. The color of the surrounding skin either be red or brown. It may cause itchiness or pain too.
So, is there any home remedy available for acne scar treatment?
There are many home remedies available to fight acne scars. But you will need to identify the best one for you. The home remedies include,
- Over the counter remedies: Over the counter remedies like Salicylic acid which is very beneficial in cleaning dead cells, dirt, and other debris. All these lead to acne formation. Again, tropical retinoids effectively reduce inflammation and trigger cell regeneration. For fighting against dead skin cells and clogged pores, Alpha hydroxy acids are beneficial. Even lactic acid can clear the dead skin cells smooth the texture of your skin.
- Natural remedies: Natural home remedies can also work in acne treatment. It includes aloe vera, honey, lemon juice, coconut oil, baking soda, shea butter, etc.